Undergraduate Students

The CNS lab regularly recruits and employs undergraduate students through a variety of channels. Please see the list below to find what options suits you best:

  • Directed Studies or Honours Thesis: Undergraduate students interested in a directed studies research project or honours thesis may contact Dr. Silverberg directly: noah.silverberg@ubc.ca
  • PSYC 240: Undergraduate students interested in earning course credit for their work in a research lab are encouraged to apply to PSYC 240. The CNS Lab aims to offer at least one PSYC 240 position per year. Please follow this link to the PSYC 240 application portal: https://psych.ubc.ca/research/psyc240/
  • Work Learn Students: The CNS Lab regularly offers paid research assistant positions for undergraduate students through UBC’s Work Learn Program. When available, positions are posted on CareersOnline in late July/early August for a September start and in mid-March for a May start. Please see the Work Learn Program website for more details: https://students.ubc.ca/career/ubc-experiences/work-learn-program
  • Staff positions: Regular staff positions available in the CNS Lab will be posted on the staff careers page: https://hr.ubc.ca/careers-and-job-postings/staff-careers
  • Volunteers: The CNS Lab generally does not take on volunteer research assistants. We endeavor for all students in our lab to earn course credit or pay for their work, through one of the mechanisms listed above.


When applying to any of the above channels, please note that the following information may be required of you during your submission process:

  1. UBC program and year of study.
  2. Unofficial transcript.
  3. CV/Resume
  4. GPA overall and in psychology courses.
  5. A brief description of any previous lab experience (previous lab experience is not required).
  6. A brief description of your academic and/or career goals (even if not yet clearly formed).
  7. What kind of experience you are looking for (if you have particular interests).
  8. Estimate of how many hours per week you expect to be available for, and over what period (e.g., fall semester or fall and winter semesters).
  9. Optional: The CNS Lab values diversity, in skills, viewpoints, experiences, and sociocultural factors. Please consider including a statement about how you will contribute to the Lab’s diversity.

Please note: We are not accepting applications from students of other institutions at this time.